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Rosario Terra Retail Marketing Punta Carretas Shopping

Ph: Chino Pazos for Lara Magazine


I started working in market research at Research International, then analysing Brand reputation at Delahaye Medialink LA and after that I was hired as Marketing manager for LADA Latin America. 


My main experience was the seventeen years I spent at Punta Carretas Shopping, the first two as Marketing Assistant and fifteen as Marketing and Customer Service manager.






Main achievements of my work at Punta Carretas


  • Brand positioning statement definition, and development of every institutional and promotional advertising campaign on and offline.


  • Coordination of the work of all agencies including traditional and digital advertising, media and PR agency. Definition of the brand's advertising and communication strategy on and offline. 

  • L​eadership of the team integrated by managers and members of all the company´s departments aimed at enriching the customer experience at the mall. ​

  • CRM strategy definition and execution:

       Development of Amigos Punta Carretas, a customer loyalty program focused on delivering value to the main clients. 

       Planning and management of VISA ON Itau cobranding credit card program.

  • Strategic definition, planning and execution of all marketing events such as sales promotions, Christmas decoration, Garage sales, concerts, theatre shows, among others. ​

  • Lúmina: A successful CSR program developed during 11 years, intimately linked with the purpose of the brand, aimed at promoting local young fashion designers.

  • Teletón: CSR program through which Punta Carretas´ tenants, owners, sales assistants, suppliers and clients became all together the main corporate donor to this cause (Rehabilitation center for kids with neuro skeletal muscle handicaps)


       This article in Lara magazine (may 2017) describes very well these years´ experience


Nowadays as an independent consultant, my main strength is to get close to clients everyday challenges and pain points to discover opportunities through the job to be done lens. With that input, I collaborate with companies to design strategies to take care of those pain points standing from their main competitive strengths. Always respecting the brand´s identity and looking for a purpose beyond the economic results.

Brands I have proudly worked for in the last 6 years: Paseo La Galería (Asunción). Uruguay: Mercado Williman, Mercado del Prado, Mercado Arocena, Mercado de los Horneros, Mercado Tres Cruces, Café Misterio, Be Juice, Revista Galeria, Adriana Guelfi Herrera, MoWeek, Rusty, By Florencia, Don Baez, Sza Sza, Rotunda, Pastiche, Petrichor, Mutma, Aura, Pecarí, Talking Feathers, Serena Mia, Embajada de Reino Unido en Montevideo, Embajada de Uruguay en Washington DC, Foderé Asesores, Abito, Margo Baridon, Bagno&Company, Via Disegno, Effas, Guamatur, La Ibérica, Rudy Burgers, Margarita Ramirez, Mis Petates, Santana, Universidad ORT y Aeropuerto de Carrasco. 

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